November 28, 2012


Artwork by Yuta Onoda. Visit the artist's website:

We dare you to write a story based on this picture, using no more than 55 words.
The title should have no more than 7 words.

If you would like to publish your nano story here, or a link to it, please use the comment box.


  1. #28 Opening the vault

    The vault had been fished out of the ocean a long time ago. In the office, after some serious persuading, the holy man spat the password out with a gush of blood. Perplexed, they typed it in. Mei Okamoto.

    “I knew the location of the vault, but not that I was the password,” she said.

    © 2012 Lizzie Gudkov

  2. Intruders

    The children wailed for the screaming to stop. The adults could also just barely tolerate the noise. The older ones were now almost deaf. They were no longer bothered by the unnatural racket from above. It was worse for the young ones. It was at these times the old ones guided the families to safety.


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